Research opportunities

Discover-NOW supports researchers to identify and recruit patients to studies. Our North West London Health Research Register comprises thousands of patients who have consented to be contacted about taking part in research studies relevant to them.

Health research that you may be able to participate in can range from answering surveys or having your blood tested, to testing new and innovative medical devices and phone apps and sometimes even participating in clinical trials. Sometimes you might be paid for your time.



What is the North West London Health Research Register?

It is a register of adults 18 and over living in North West London who are interested in health research and want to find out more about health research opportunities.

To join the Register today, sign up below via ‘Patients Know Best’ (PKB). Users will be asked to create an account and share their record with the Care Information Exchange (CIE) – a computer system used by PKB.

Registering with CIE gives you access to your hospital records. You can share your care record with your family, carers, GP and other health professionals if you wish to. Your information is shared in a secure NHS network.

PKB is the Data Processor for the NW London Health Research Register and is used to ensure patient data is transferred and shared securely in a NHS network.

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Why should I join?

By joining the register you will be told about research opportunities that are relevant to you, giving you more opportunities to be involved in creating a healthier future for you and your family. The more people that join NWL Health Research Register, the more people that will potentially participate in research, helping to create a healthier future for all.

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