
Patient identification and recruitment

Discover-NOW can support you to identify and recruit to studies. Our Health Research Register comprises thousands of patients who have consented to be contacted about taking part in research studies relevant to them. Further, using our specialised, GDPR-compliant FARSITE tool, we can identify and
invite people to participate in research through their GP. Our highly skilled team can assist you in rapidly defining the protocols for your study to ensure only those patients eligible for your study are invited to take part.


Patient recruitment examples

Evaluating OWise, a digital tool for supporting breast cancer patients

OWise Breast Cancer is a mobile platform and website allowing breast cancer patients to record their experiences in real time. The tool aims to improve ’patient activation’, a measure of the knowledge, skills and confidence a person has in managing their health and care.

View case study

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) also known as emphysema/chronic bronchitis/smoking damage is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs.

View case study

How we work with you

Our team will work with you to:

  • Enable early testing and refining of protocol
    designs to ensure eligibility of patients prior
    to recruitment.
  • Identify eligible patients who can be screened and invited to participate in your study.
  • Improve study success rates by testing and refining early protocol designs using real world data and clinical expertise.
The register

Our recruitment tool - FARSITE

The FARSITE Recruitment view gives control for trial recruitment to the GP. Email prompts are sent to the practice when a new trial is available, or practice staff can log into FARSITE Recruitment and check to see if new studies are available.

FARSITE- Recruitment tool

Other services

Retrospective studies

Generate data driven insights and analysis into populations and patient cohorts, using the rich linked longitudinal health and care data.

Retrospective studies

Feasibility studies

Generate data driven insights and analysis into populations and patient cohorts, using the rich linked longitudinal health and care data.

Feasibility studies

Health implementation

Ensure learnings from your research can deliver real world impact for patients.

Health implementation

Find out how our data and services help you achieve your goals

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